Early Life and Television Breakthrough
Sasha Alexander was born as Suzana S. Drobnjaković on May 17, 1973 in Los Angeles, California. She was in the seventh grade when she started acting in school plays. She also pursued ice skating during her younger years but stopped after suffering from a knee injury. Throughout high school and even in college, she continued acting. She attended University of Southern California’s School of Cinema-Television where she completed her studies.
She began her film career in the late 1990s, making her debut in the 1997 indie movie Visceral Matter, followed by another low-budget feature Battle of the Sexes. In 1999, she played a minor character in the movie Twin Falls Idaho. Around the same time, she landed her first main role, playing Jesse Presser on the television series Wasteland. This also marked her TV debut. The show, however, was short-lived.
In the early 2000s, she gained recognition for her recurring character, playing Gretchen Witter in Dawson’s Creek. She also starred as Jackie in the movie All Over the Guy. Afterwards, she made guest appearances in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Friends, and Greg the Bunny. She next played Dr. Jackie Collette in another short-lived series Presidio Med in 2002.
In 2003, she achieved further prominence for playing Special Agent Caitlin Todd in NCIS, where she was a main cast from seasons 1 to 2. She was killed off at the end of the second season after she decided to leave the show. Her character was replaced by Ziva David played by Cote de Pablo. In 2006, she played the role of Melissa Meade in Mission: Impossible III.
In the late 2000s, she acted in a number of motion pictures, including The Last Lullaby, Yes Man, He’s Just Not That Into You, Tenure, Play Dead, and Love Happens. She also appeared as a guest star in such TV shows as E-Ring, The Nine, House, and Dark Blue. In 2010, she began playing the role of Dr. Maura Isles on the crime drama series Rizzoli & Isles. She still plays the part up to now. She has also played Helene in Shameless as a recurring guest star. Her most recent movie was 2013’s The Girl from Nagasaki.
Has Sasha Alexander had Plastic Surgery?
42-year-old Sasha Alexander is best known among television viewers for her work in NCIS, and currently Rizzoli & Isles. Now a household name, the actress is no exemption to talks of plastic surgery, especially that she’s in the crucial period of aging. She’s already in her 40s and most people think that she looks fantastic and way younger than her actual age.
Some would assume that she’s had something done to her face, some sort of cosmetic procedures to appear flawless and vibrant, but the Rizzoli & Isles actress seems to be aging just fine and gracefully. There aren’t any apparent indications to show otherwise. She looks great for her age, but her face doesn’t look weird, one strong indication that she hasn’t had anything done. At least not yet.
In an interview, however, Alexander voiced out her admiration for actress Jacqueline Bissett, who plays her mother in Rizzoli & Isles, for aging naturally and for not resorting to plastic surgery. With this, it can be assumed that the actress plans to age gracefully as well.
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